“Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 2,” a 24-page story written by Marv Wolfman and Marc Guggenheim with art by Tom Derenick, Trevor Scott and Andy OwensThe Multiverse is losing its battle against the Anti-Monitor. Felicity Smoak mounts one last effort to find a way to save Oliver Queen, and it will bring the team face to face with an entire corps of new heroes: A Green Lantern Corps!“The Council Part 2,” an 8-page story written by Marv Wolfman and Marc Guggenheim with art by Tom Grummett and Danny MikiLex Luthor has been captured by a council of Luthors from across the Multiverse, and to stop them from destroying everything, he’ll need to team up with people he hates: the council of Supermen!
Plus, these reprint tales:
“A Flash of the Lightning,” from Crisis on Infinite Earths #8 (1985)
“Aftershock,” from Crisis on Infinite Earths #11 (1986)
“Aftermath,” from DC Universe: Legacies #6 (2010)
“Aftershock,” from Crisis on Infinite Earths #11 (1986)
“Aftermath,” from DC Universe: Legacies #6 (2010)
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