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Written by: Mariko Tamaki, Matthew Rosenberg.

Art by: Dan Mora, David Lapham.

Covers by: Dan Mora, Lee Bermejo.

Description: When the terrorist organization known as THE RED CROWN took control of Mayor Nakano's personal security detail, only the Batman could protect Gotham's highest-ranking city official from certain death! But when the pair is thrust into the sewers below, a much more sinister threat lurks in the darkness. Better look sharp, Batman, because a hundred thousand eggs with a hundred thousand little monsters inside are about to hatch...and they look HUNGRY...

Back-up: Arkham Asylum may have been decimated during A-DAY, but its legacy lives on. Now, Mayor Nakano has given the green light for a brand-new ARKHAM TOWER to be erected in the heart of Gotham City, and some strange and horrific things are going down at the construction site. Don't miss this epic kick-off to a story arc that will shape the Batman universe for years to come!

Pages: 40.

Price: $4.99 (Variant, $5.99).

Available: October 26.


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