Art by: Alvaro Eduardo Martinez Bueno, Raul Fernandez
Covers by: Alvaro Eduardo Bueno, Raul Fernandez, Greg Capullo. Description: Plagued by a rash of otherworldly resurrections, the new JLD team begins scouring the shadowy corners of the DCU looking for leads. Turns out, this latest mystery ties back to the Tree of Wonder, last seen laying down roots in Justice League: No Justice -- and it bears poisoned fruit to boot. The Tree serves as a doorway from the Realm of Magic to our world, and the Upside Down Man is just the first of many all-powerful mystic entities looking for a new haunt. It's gonna take a major twist of fate for our heroes to get out of this one. Pages: 32. Price: $3.99.
In stores: August 22.
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