
Mostrando postagens de maio, 2017


Written by: John Semper. Art by: Cliff Richards, Will Conrad. Covers by: Eric Canete, Carlos D'Anda. Description: "Aftermath," part two! Anomaly's horrific dream is realized when the O.T.A.C. virus changes nearly all flesh and blood on Earth into cold hard steel. Now humanity's last hope, Cyborg, Beast Boy, and a band of rebels led by Vic's mother, Elinore Stone, embark on a suicide mission to find the cure. Their first obstacle? The infected super-scientist Doc Magnus and his newly twisted robot army, the Metal Men! Pages: 32. Price: $3.99. In stores: August 2.

THE FLASH #29 (690)

O resumo da edição diz que a Galeria de Vilões vai se envolver na história: "O que um vilão pode fazer quando o Flash fica mau? Pode ficar pior. Operando de trás das grades em Iron Heights, a Galeria de Vilões presa deixa de ser bandidos fantasiados e se tornam reais chefões do crime, soltando o novo vilão conhecido como Shrapnel nas caóticas e desprotegidas ruas de Central City" . Barry recentemente encontrou o Flash Reverso na história "The Button"

THE FLASH #28 (689)

Imagem Barry Allen vira o Flash Negativo em nova HQ                                DC dá novos poderes ao herói nas edições de agosto Fonte: Omelete A DC Comics está divulgando suas prévias de agosto, e entre elas estão as descrições de The Flash #28 e #29, que apresentarão um "novo" personagem, o Flash Negativo. Trata-se de Barry Allen corrompido por novos poderes, que estão transformando-o em um vilão similar ao seu nêmesis Flash Reverso. Veja a capa de The Flash #28 acima. "Pode Barry Allen controlar...


Written by: Dan Abnett. Art by: Stjepan Sejic. Covers by: Stjepan Sejic, Joshua Middleton. Description: "Underworld," part three. Aquaman lives! Threatened by the return of Atlantis' natural-born ruler, King Rath accelerates his plan to scrub the sunken city of all its ancient magical treasures-but why is he stockpiling magic? Whatever the reason, Rath will need all the firepower he can get when Mera breaks through the barrier surrounding the city! Pages: 32. Price: $3.99. In stores: August 16.


Written by: Benjamin Percy. Art by: Khoi Pham. Cover by: Brad Walker, Andrew Hennessy, Chad Hardin. Description: "Blood of the Manta," part three. Everything comes crashing down when Black Manta reveals his son's true origin, and the shock is almost too much for Jackson to bear! Meanwhile, the Teen Titans have tracked Black Manta down-but is it too little, too late? Will the Teen Titans save their new friend...or make a new enemy?  Pages: 32.  Price: $3.99.  In stores: August 23.            


Written by: Peter J. Tomasi. Art by: Jorge Jimenez. Covers by: Jorge Jimenez, Dustin Nguyen. Description: "Planet of the Capes," part two! Monster maker Kraklow puts Superboy to the test during his first team-up with Damian Wayne's Teen Titans. As wave after wave of Kraklow's wicked creations try to overwhelm the Teen Titans, can Superboy turn the tide in this onslaught of enemies? Pages: 32. Price: $3.99. In stores: August 16.


Written by: Rob Williams. Art by: Augusta Padilla. Covers by: Eddy Barrows, Whilce Portacio. Description: "Kill Your Darlings," part four. The moment Suicide Squad has been building to since the start of Rebirth! International Suicide Squads descend upon metahuman populations around the world at Amanda Waller's command! As the People's astonishing endgame is laid bare, only the original Task Force X's most dysfunctional members are left to save the world from their own dark imitators. Pages: 32. Price: $2.99. In stores: August 23.


Imagem Written by: Rob Williams. Art by: Augusta Padilla. Covers by: Eddy Barrows, Whilce Portacio. Description: "Kill Your Darlings," part three. Amanda Waller's gone off the reservation! She's ordered Task Force X to go full-on super-villain and take down the Justice League! No, not that one - they tried that before! This time she wants Batman's new Justice League of America driven before her - dead or alive - and the...


Written by: Dan Jurgens. Art by: Bernard Chang. Covers by: Bernard Chang, Martin Ansin. Description: "Rise of the Demon," finale. As past and present collide, Bruce Wayne witnesses the culmination of his legacy. In a shocking twist, the Demon is not Ra's al Ghul. Can his successor be persuaded to stop his plans for worldwide destruction? Will Terry be able to overcome the destructive influence of the new Batman costume and hold on to his soul? High up on a Tibetan mountaintop, the answers will be revealed. Pages: 32. Price: $2.99. In stores: August 23.