…there is photographic evidence in Doomsday Clock #11 of more besides.
A take on the classic cover image that began a history of multiverse storytelling in superhero comic books.While Saturn Girl of the Legion Of Super-Heroes first reappeared in current continuity in DC Rebirth #1, then turning up in Batman: The Button, Doomsday Clock and other titles associated with the rewriting of the DC Universe by Dr Manhattan… it looks like she’s getting a little rewrite herself.
…as there are other memory gaps caused by timeline rewriting?
And if you think all that is complex? Just wait until the story that DC Comics is keeping Alfred Pennyworth dead in the Batman books in the present hits Doomsday Clock in the near future…
Escrito por: Geoff Johns.
Arte de: Gary Frank.
Capas por: Gary Frank.
Sinopse: A contagem regressiva está chegando ao fim! Nesta penúltima edição, entre as investigações do Batman e de Lex Luthor, finalmente é revelada a verdade por trás do "Renascimento"! E a tensão se eleva a níveis perigosíssimos em Washington!
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