Main/Standard Cover (Big Barda, Blue Beetle, Mister Miracle, Mr. Terrific)
"Portrait” Variant Cover by Francesco Mattina (Deathstroke)
It also brings
Waverider onto the scene, the cosmic being from Armageddon 2001 who may
have the ability to change timelines and timestreams but seems to be
choosing not to on this occasion. Maybe he;’s read today’s Doomsday
Clock and Justice League and has had enough of it.
Anyway, it gives John Constantine the opportunity to do his version of One Punch.
Which are dubbing ‘One
Nut’ for the purposes of brevity. Might this be as popularised at the
original One Punch? There’s only one way to find out. Read a lot more
comic books and hope.
But either way, calling
Waverider a Time Lord disguised what John Constantine really wants to
do. And that’s headbutt the Doctor. It’s like that’s what he was built
to do, plant one directly on her forehead. Titan/DC Comics crossover any
time soon?
Until then, DC Comics
has now decided there’s one word that John Constantine must use in every
appearance or it’s just not a John Constantine comic book.
Written by: Tom Taylor.
Art by: Laura Braga, Darick Robertson, others.
Covers by: Ryan Sook, Kaare Andrews, Yasmin Putri, Francesco Mattina.
Description: While the mainstays of the Justice League-Superman, Green Lantern and Wonder Woman - battle the worldwide infection in the pages of DCEASED, a group of other heroes work to stop the impending apocalypse-no matter who they have to kill! Mr. Terrific assembles a motley group of surviving heroes including Mister Miracle, Big Barda, John Constantine, Blue Beetle and Booster Gold as they attempt to fight back against the tide of death. Can this ragtag group save the world where the Justice League has thus far failed?
Pages: 32.
Price: $3.99.
In stores: Sept. 4.
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