If The War Of Jokes And Riddles over in Batman levelled the Riddler up as a major threat to the people of Gotham – and the rest of the country, the world even – The Riddler Special brings him crashing back down again to Adam West-level of threat. While getting called on it from the Apex Lex Luthor.
Until there is only one way out.
Written by: Mark Russell.
Art by: Scott Godlewski.
Cover by: Mikel Janin.
Description: Lex Luthor has presented dark gifts to super-villains across the DC Universe, setting off what can only be called the Year of the Villain. Unfortunately, resources are limited, so not everyone got something. The Riddler is one such person, and he is most displeased about it. Was this merely an oversight or a deliberate slight? The Riddler is determined to find out which-and so should you!
Pages: 40.
Price: $4.99.
In stores: Sept. 11.
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