
Mostrando postagens de fevereiro, 2023


Written by:  Jeremy Adams. Art by:  Fernando Pasarin, Oclair Albert. Covers by:  Taurin Clarke, Mike Perkins, Mike Spicer, Ethan Young, Edwin Galmon. Description:  Uncovering the truth about what happened to their third child, Wally and team must infiltrate the dangerous compound known as the Nest in hopes of saving their newborn, while battling the formidable Granny Goodness! Pages:  32. Price:  $3.99 (Card stock variant, $4.99). Available:  May 16.


Written by  JEREMY ADAMS Art by  FERNANDO PASARIN and OCLAIR ALBERT Cover by  TAURIN CLARKE Variant cover by  MIKE PERKINS and MIKE SPICER Variant cover by  ETHAN YOUNG 1:25 variant cover by  SERG ACUNA 1:50 foil variant cover by  TAURIN CLARKE $3.99 US | 32 pages | $4.99 US (card stock) ON SALE 5/2/23 Tragedy befalls the West family, which uncovers a mystery that will take our favorite red-headed hero beyond time and space! Mister Terrific joins Wally along with a few surprise guests to help him on a mission to save the Flash Family!


Written by:  Becky Cloonan, Michael W. Conrad. Art by:  Terry Dodson, Paulina Ganucheau, more. Covers by:  Yanick Paquette, Rahzzah, Terry Dodson, Cris Delara. Description:  A landmark two-part celebration of Wonder Woman's adventures begins, as an all-star lineup of creators asks, "Whatever happened to the Warrior of Truth?" After the events of Revenge of the Gods, Diana enters the caves of Themyscira's Healing Island for a much-needed respite, but she emerges someplace unexpected...the fantastical dreams of her greatest allies and enemies! The startling visions lead directly to next month's Wonder Woman #800 and new twists in the saga of the Amazing Amazon! Pages:  40. Price:  $4.99 (Variant, $5.99). Available:  May 16.


Written by:  Tom Taylor. Art by:  Yasmine Putri. Covers by:  Dan Mora, Ejikure, Ludo Lullabi. Description:  The Trinity have united under a banner of hope as they go to war against the White Martian threat in this penultimate chapter! But how deep has the betrayal fractured the tentative alliance? Can bitter differences be set aside to save the planet? Pages:  32. Price:  $3.99 (Variants, $4.99). Available:  June 6.


Written by:  Meghan Fitzmartin. Art by:  Nikola Cizmesija. Covers by:  Nikola Cizmesija, Serg Acuna. Description:  Batwoman’s got blood on her hands as a familiar enemy rears their head and creates a rift between her and Robin. Do we really know what we’re capable of? Pages:  32. Price:  $3.99 (Variants, $4.99). Available:  May 23.


Written by:  Tom Taylor, C.S. Pacat. Art by:  Travis Moore, Eduardo Panscia. Covers by:  Bruno Redondo, Amancay Nahuelpan, Vasco Georgiev, Amancay Nahuelpan. Description:  Nightwing and the Titans realize the only way to save Olivia is to...go to hell! Seeing how ineffective his punching was when he last confronted Neron's demons, Nightwing is temporarily powered up by magic in order to make it through the depths of hell alive...literally. Then, in the backup: Nightwing and Jon Kent find an important clue as to who's behind the circus murders, and that person may be connected to Dick Grayson... Pages:  40. Price:  $4.99 (variant covers, $5.99). In stores:  May 23.


A  DC Comics  revelou recentemente que o  Coringa  irá ganhar um novo ajudante, nas páginas de  The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #8 . O quadrinho, que tem roteiro de  Matthew Rosenberg  e arte de  Carmine Di Giandomenico  e  Francesco Francavilla , mostra o  Príncipe Palhaço do Crime  se aliando a  Solomon Grundy , que cuida do  Coringa  após ele ter sido atropelado por um trem.  A sinopse de  The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #8  diz: “ Depois de ser atropelado por um trem, o Coringa acorda nos esgotos de Gotham, sendo cuidado por… Solomon Grundy?! Enquanto sua mente e corpo estão se recuperando, o Príncipe Palhaço do Crime e seu novo ajudante descobrem que eles não são os únicos monstros atualmente chamando os esgotos de casa! E o segundo Coringa estabeleceu um curso para encontrar e destruir seu alter ego …” Embora mais informações ainda não tenham sido reveladas, a capa da edição m...