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Este é o Blog do Kid Krypton, onde os dcnautas de carteirinha podem ter acesso a vários previews da DC Comics, tem também um guia de episódios do seriado Smallville e notícias sobre o
Eisner Awards, o oscar dos quadrinhos.

quinta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2023


Written by: Kelly Thompson.

Art by: Leonardo Romero.

Covers by: Leonardo Romero, Chris Bachalo, Joshua "Sway" Swaby, Chuma Hill, Sun Khamunaki.

Description: Chaos reigns as the first mission for the Birds of Prey has (unsurprisingly) gone sideways. Even with the collective battle prowess of her hand-picked team, did Black Canary bring enough firepower to fight their way off Themyscira?!

Pages: 32.

Price: $3.99 (Variants, $4.99).

Available: Dec. 5.


Written by: Kelly Thompson.

Art by: Leonardo Romero.

Covers by: Leonardo Romero, Chris Bachalo, Joshua "Sway" Swaby, Chuma Hill, Sun Khamunaki.

Description: Chaos reigns as the first mission for the Birds of Prey has (unsurprisingly) gone sideways. Even with the collective battle prowess of her hand-picked team, did Black Canary bring enough firepower to fight their way off Themyscira?!

Pages: 32.

Price: $3.99 (Variants, $4.99).

Available: Nov. 7.

quarta-feira, 30 de agosto de 2023



Written by TOM TAYLOR



Backup written by MICHAEL CONRAD

Backup art by SERG ACUNA

Variant cover by JAMAL CAMPBELL

Variant cover by DAN MORA

1:25 variant cover by SERG ACUNA

Artist Spotlight variant cover by MIKE DEODATO JR.

$4.99 US | 40 pages | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)

ON SALE 11/21/23

Amid Nightwing’s investigation of the mystery behind the secret society called the Hold and their connection to the origin of Blüdhaven, Dick runs into his old flame Bea Bennett! Is Bea back to confront Nightwing for some closure, or is she somehow related to the secret pirate society?


Written by: Tini Howard.

Art by: STeffano Raffaele.

Covers by: David Nakayama, Tirso Cons, Nico Leon, Dani.

Description: "Nine Lives," part one. The Catwoman we know has vanished. Selina Kyle is gone. She's no longer Gotham's fugitive -- she;s its ghost. After the events of "The Gotham War," Selina leaves the city a forever-changed woman with a plan: nine deadly missions, each one set aside for their certain lethality -- only possible for a cat with nine lives.

Pages: 32.

Price: $3.99 (Variants, $4.99).

In stores: Nov. 21.

terça-feira, 29 de agosto de 2023


DC Comics anunciou recentemente uma nova série em quadrinhos com a Família Flash, que será intitulada Speed Force (Força de Aceleração).

Com roteiro de Jarrett Williams e arte de Daniele Di Nicuolo, Speed Force é parte da iniciativa Dawn of DC, e será protagonizada pela dupla Wallace “Ace” West / Kid Flash e Avery Ho / Flash da China.

Speed ​​​​Force acompanha os jovens velocistas, após os dois descobrirem que misteriosas mudanças estão afetando a Força de Aceleração. Eles correm, então, até Keystone City, para tentar desvendar esse mistério.

Confira imagens prévias de Speed Force abaixo:

Speed Force #1 tem roteiro de Jarrett Williams e arte de Daniele Di Nicuolo. A arte de capa também é assinada por Di Nicuolo, com capas variantes de Leirix e Mike Deodato Jr.

O quadrinho chega às lojas especializadas dos Estados Unidos no dia 14 de novembro de 2023.


THE FLASH #3 (803)

Written by: Si Spurrier.

Art by: Mike Deodato Jr.

Covers by: Mike Deodato Jr., Ramon Perez, Christian Ward, Matt Taylor.

Description: After the arrival of the Stillness last issue, the alien speedsters begin traveling around the world, with Max Mercury watching their every move. Meanwhile, Wally encounters another former foe who's gotten a major upgrade -- the Folding Man -- while entering a new location beyond time called the Gallery...what hidden truths does this place hold for the Flash?

Pages: 32.

Price: $3.99 (Variant, $4.99).

Available: Nov. 28.