
Mostrando postagens de junho, 2017


Written by: Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis. Art by: Scott Kolins. Covers by: Scott Kolins, Tyler Kirkham. Description: Blue Beetle unwittingly accompanies Teri Magnus-the Flash of the 31st century-into the future. It's not a journey he wants to take, but it's one that will unravel some mysteries-like why Teri's been living in present day El Paso and working for Ted Kord. Plus, Jaime learns a shocking secret about someone in his own life! Pages: 32. Price: $3.99. In stores: September 27.


Written by: John Semper. Art by: Allan Jefferson. Covers by: Eric Canete, Carlos D'Anda. Description: "Metal vs. Mettle." With the cure for the O.T.A.C. virus within reach, Cyborg must join forces with his corrupted doppelgänger or dismantle him and end this war once and for all. Meanwhile, Anomaly escapes S.T.A.R. Labs only to come face to face with the creature who destroyed the world. Is this world too far gone to be saved-and worse, is this foreshadowing what will become of our world?! Pages: 32. Price: $3.99. In stores: Sept. 6.

THE FLASH #31 (692)

Written by: Joshua Williamson. Art by: Neil Googe. Covers by: Carmine Di Giandomenico, Howard Porter. Description: "Bloodwork," part two! Central City is the battleground for one of the most brutal fights of Barry Allen's life as he squares off against the monstrous Bloodwork, whose powers are so gruesome we can't tell you more about them here! Making things worse for The Flash as he confronts this unstoppable new threat is the fact that it's all his fault! Witness the penultimate act of the Negative-Flash story and the beginning of an unforgettable new chapter in Barry Allen's life. Pages: 32. Price: $2.99. In stores: Sept. 27.

THE FLASH #30 (691)

Written by: Joshua Williamson. Art by: Neil Googe. Covers by: Carmine Di Giandomenico, Howard Porter. Description: "Bloodwork," part one! Barry Allen's personal life is in shambles, his new Negative-Flash powers aren't working properly, and someone has been tampering with evidence at the Central City Police Department. The Flash is not having a good day, and it's going to get worse when he comes face to face with Bloodwork, a terrifying new villain with secret ties to Barry Allen. Pages: 32. Price: $2.99. In stores: Sept. 13.


Written by: Dan Abnett. Art by: Stjepan Sejic. Covers by: Stjepan Sejic, Joshua Middleton. Description: "Underworld" finale! Caught in the claws of the monstrous crustacean crime baron known as Crush, Aquaman and Dolphin are bargaining chips in a most dangerous game with the cruel King Rath, who'll do anything to keep the secret of Arthur's survival from the people of Atlantis. Meanwhile, Mera's mission to break into the sealed kingdom hits a rough patch when Atlantis' magical technology short circuits on a massive scale-especially those devices made of a certain metal. Pages: 32. Price: $3.99. In stores: Sept. 20.


Written by: Peter J. Tomasi. Art by: Jorge Jimenez. Covers by: Jorge Jimenez, Dustin Nguyen. Description: "Planet of the Capes" part three! The Super Sons find themselves blasted across the cosmos to a weird world called Yggardis. As Superboy and Robin endeavor to stop this strange place's super-powered factions from killing each other, can a horde of ultra-powerful aliens, some sentient multiversal clay and a showdown with the villain Kraklow stop them from getting back to Earth? Pages: 32. Price: $3.99. In stores: Sept. 20.


Destruidor da Luz Aqui o jovem Bruce Wayne ganha um anel de Lanterna Verde após a morte de seus pais. A morte de Abin Sur não é mostrada, como na clássica origem de Hal Jordan, mas tudo leva a crer que tudo aconteceu ao mesmo tempo: o assassinato dos Wayne e a queda de Sur na Terra. O anel reconhece a capacidade de Bruce em lidar com o medo. Contudo, o jovem tem tanta escuridão em seu âmago que consegue sobrepujar a regra absoluta do anel e o utiliza para matar Joe Chill. A partir daí um reino de terror é instaurado em Gotham City, perpetrado pelo Lanterna Verde da Terra: o jovem Bruce Wayne. Ele tenta ressuscitar os pais, mas só consegue zumbis bizarros como resultado. O garoto está insano. Com o passar dos anos, Wayne envelheceu e agiu com absoluta insensatez. Assassinou vilões fria e brutalmente, gerando medo até nos aliados políticos e policiais. Ou seja, O autor Sam Humphries e o artista Ethan Van Sciver usam essa HQ para examinar como seria um vin...